Social Inclusion Programme

Programme Name

Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme 

Programme Description

Please place the below text above case study videos:

The Social Inclusion and Community on Programme (SICAP) 2024 - 2028 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.

Administered by Pobal, SICAP 2024 - 2028 is co - funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural & Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) programme 2021 - 2027.

The SICAP contract for Offaly is managed by the Offaly Local Development Committee and is implemented by Offaly Local Development Comapny.

SICAP is a targeted, holistic programme, for those who are most disadvantaged and less likely to access mainstream services. The programme provides supports directly to communities and links them into existing services.

The programme works with specific target groups, under two goals. Goal One to contribute to building more sustainable, inclusive and empowered communities, whole Goal two seeks to empower disadvantaged people to improve the quality of their lives.

Below, can view some recent case studies given an idea of the work done through the programmes.

Case Study Video Links:






For more information on the programme, contact

Louise Larkin

Offaly Local Development Company

Millennium House

Main Street


Co. Offaly 

Additional Information

View SICAP video here

View SICAP in Offaly video here

For information on supports see documents

For further information contact:

Louise Larkin

Offaly Local Development Company,
Millennium House,
Main St,
Co. Offaly

Tel: 087 6925276
